
MaaMaa & Tankene

Friday, February 26, 2010

The Litugical Year Book Review

Thomas Nelson Publishers graciously allowed me to review( for free) the book "The Liturgical Year." The book was an intelligent, well-written chronicle of the Christian Liturgical Year. The author , Joan Chittister, was very knowledgable about each step along the faith journey. She explained Lent as a " Symphony in three parts." and I found this a wonderful way to think of the the living memory of Christ and the last supper.I expecially enjoyed this statement : " Lent is not a ritual. It is time given seriously to think about who Jesus is for us, to renew our faith from the inside out."We journey to the desert for forty days and fight off our lusts and temptations just as Jesus fought off the devil!Lent is just one part of the Liturgical year. The author speaks of the celebration for fifty days of Paschaltide or Pentecost.This is a time of great joy when the Christians experienced Jesus and his resurrection.The living God walked among us.She goes on to discuss Ordinary time Feast and Advent.Understanding the Christian year was a map of our soul journey. This was a book I would highly recommend.I am going to share this book with my Prayer Group in hopes that the other members will enjoy the explanations of the Liturgical year and find deeper meaning and understanding of our Christian faith.memebers will look beyond themselves to the glory of Jesus and his resurrection.

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