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Showing posts with label Thomas Nelson Publishers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thomas Nelson Publishers. Show all posts

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Dad's Bible

Thomas Nelson let me read and review the "Dad's Bible." What a good Father's Day gift for Dad, Husband or Grandpa. There are notes by Robert Wolgemuth. This Bible offers some advice on how to help Dad's on their Faith Journey. How often do Dad's think about the authority God gives to parents, especially Dads? Modeling Christian behavior and talking to our children about the Bible are just two ways to gain a deeper understanding of our Christian beliefs.Young Father's would find many wonderful insights in this Bible that would help them when their children start asking why? There are also stories of our Biblical Fathers to read. Father's everywhere would enjoy this Bible.This book is a great addition to any families book shelf. I would suggest it for all Dad's.

Friday, February 26, 2010

The Litugical Year Book Review

Thomas Nelson Publishers graciously allowed me to review( for free) the book "The Liturgical Year." The book was an intelligent, well-written chronicle of the Christian Liturgical Year. The author , Joan Chittister, was very knowledgable about each step along the faith journey. She explained Lent as a " Symphony in three parts." and I found this a wonderful way to think of the the living memory of Christ and the last supper.I expecially enjoyed this statement : " Lent is not a ritual. It is time given seriously to think about who Jesus is for us, to renew our faith from the inside out."We journey to the desert for forty days and fight off our lusts and temptations just as Jesus fought off the devil!Lent is just one part of the Liturgical year. The author speaks of the celebration for fifty days of Paschaltide or Pentecost.This is a time of great joy when the Christians experienced Jesus and his resurrection.The living God walked among us.She goes on to discuss Ordinary time Feast and Advent.Understanding the Christian year was a map of our soul journey. This was a book I would highly recommend.I am going to share this book with my Prayer Group in hopes that the other members will enjoy the explanations of the Liturgical year and find deeper meaning and understanding of our Christian faith.memebers will look beyond themselves to the glory of Jesus and his resurrection.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Jack Daniel's Spirit of Tennessee Cookbook, Volume 1

Jack Daniel's Spirit of Tennessee Cookbook, Volume 1
By Lynne Tolley and Pat Mitchamore this is the next book I am reading. Stay tuned!

Kabul 24 Review

Kabul 24 by Henry O. Arnold and Ben Pearson, is an enthralling true story. Eight Christian aid workers and sixteen Afghan workers are seized by the Taliban shortly before Sept. 11, 2001. Thrown in the most horrible, filthy conditions, the eight rely on their intense faith in God to comfort them through many harrowing experiences. Never knowing when they may be moved to another prison, isolated from outside news, an Afghan angel appears in a human form and tries to improve their captivity. Georg, the leader of the aid workers, angonizes over his friends, the sixteen Afghan prisoners, and prays they are freed and no one dies.The story revealed the insanity of the Taliban and their strange belief in Sharia law. Women are so minimized as to be shadows in a burka, and any form of dissent is cause for a trip to the Vice and Virtues prison for rehabilitation. I found the Taliban's attitudes totally frightening and could not imagine ever living under such restrictive conditions. Our political leaders, especially our president, should read this story and then make their decision about sending in more troops to finally defeat the despicable Taliban regime.

"In accordance with the FTC regulations, I inform you that I received a copy of this directly from the publisher, Thomas Nelson, for review purposes. I review only books I have read, and only state my honest opinion of the book.”

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Kabul 24

This is the next book I am reading from Thomas Nelson. The title is Kabul 24 and it is the story of a Taliban kidnapping by Henry O. Arnold and Ben Pearson. It looks rather chiling but well worth a read. I will let you know what happens!

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